It can be tough to know whether your new girlfriend is going to love the piece of jewelry you pick out to surprise her with, especially if you don't live with her or fully understand her style yet. Here are a few things you can do when choosing a piece of jewelry for your gal to increase the chance that she'll fall in love with it at first sight.

Take Some Color Cues

If you want to pick a piece of jewelry for your girlfriend that features colored jewelry or embellishments of some kind, you can take a few color cues from her whenever you're spending time with her. Notice the colors of clothing that she tends to gravitate toward. What color nail polish does she like to use? And if she wears hair ties and barrettes, what colors does she usually wear?

Is she flashy? If so, she'll likely enjoy bright colored jewels. If she is more reserved, darker hues of blue, green, or purple are probably a better pick. The clues you gain will help you choose the perfect shades of jewels and embellishments that will complement your lady's style and personality.

Talk to Her Friends and Family

You can get a good idea of the type of jewelry your girlfriend would like to own by chatting with her friends and family members whenever you get a chance. If you go to a party together, take one of her friends to the side and ask her if she knows of any cuts, styles, of types of jewelry your gal would want the most. If possible, ask her mother for some advice – she might even be willing to go shopping with you.

Make Some Conversation About It

Whenever you and your girlfriend watch a movie together, bring up an actress's jewelry to see what reaction you get. If you're out shopping, slowly walk past the jewelry section and simply ask her if she sees anything she would buy herself. Ask her what kind of jewelry you would look good in. And ask her about the pieces of jewelry she happens to be wearing when you go out to dinner or get settled on the couch to watch a movie.

You can also take a few photos of your girlfriend that feature her wearing jewelry to the jeweler's so they can offer expert advice and guidance. Make sure you understand the return policy for any piece of jewelry you do end up purchasing just in case you need to exchange it for another size or a slightly different style before all is said and done.

